This page lists books, journals and extracts relating to Akhenaten and the Amarna period. The listing has been split into sections focusing on particular sub-topics. Material is listed in alphabetical order by author. Some entries are listed in more than one section where the subject matter covers multiple areas. Entries marked in blue are in my possession, or I have direct access to, and those in green have been fundamental to the development of the AMARNA:3D project. This list is always being updated so come back often.
Featured Books
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The City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti: Amarna and its People by Prof. Barry Kemp.
This book is a gold mine for anyone interested in Amarna. Barry Kemp includes a wealth of information about the construction of the city, the various finds, and a general history of the site and the people who lived there. The book includes drawings and photographs throughout which helped to clarify a number of points during some of the 3d modelling stages. I only wish I had had this book during the original build of the city. I have worn out one copy already and will be purchasing another ‘clean’ copy for my book collection.
If you had to get one book about the city – this would be it!
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Nefertiti Lived Here by Mary Chubb
This book gives a wonderful insight into the 1930-31 dig led by John D. S. Pendlebury. It gives an account of how Mary accompanied Pendelbury, Hilary Waddington, C.J. Bennett, and Hilda Pendlebury (John’s wife) from Cairo to Amarna to work as the dig secretary. Seyton Lloyd (who had the first Amarna House model constructed – JEA 19 [1933]) later joined them for a brief period. The book has an easy writing style and takes us on the journey alongside Miss Chubb with liberal doses of humour and emotion throughout. It also gives an insight into the character of John Pendlebury who was only 26 at the time. For me this book allowed me to be part of that dig in spirit and, as it happened, whilst I was reading the book I was actually reconstructing some of the buildings mentioned within. I felt I was there when some of the discoveries were made such as the lintel from Hatiay’s house, because I too was discovering them whilst modelling. You can also see a compilation of footage from that dig along with some of the later ones on YouTube through the following links:
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Akhenaten: King of Egypt by Cyril Aldred
Alternatively Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt: a New Study. London: Thames & Hudson, 1968.
Cyril Aldred was a well respected Egyptologist and author who was well known for his knowledge regarding Akhenaten and more generally ancient Egyptian Art. This book gives a comprehensive look at Akhenaten, his family and the state of Egypt during the 18th dynasty. Aldred discusses the various complexities of Akhenaten and whilst more work has been done in this area since the book was published it still remains an invaluable resource to anyone studying the Amarna period.
A welcome addition to the above two books.
List of Abbreviations
ASAE – Annales du Service des Antiquites de I’Egypte
AJA – American Journal of Archaeology
BAR – J. H. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt I-V (Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1906-1907)
BASOR – Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
BIFAO – Bulletin de l’lnstitut Franrcais d’Archeologie Orientale
BMMA – Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
CdE – Chronique d’Egypte
CRIPEL – Cahiers de Recherches et Egyptologie de Lille
FIFAO – Fouilles de l’Institut Franr;ais d’Archeologie Orientale
GM – Gottinger Miszellen
IFAO – Institut Franrcais d’Archeologie Orientale
JAOS – Journal of the American Oriental Society
JARCE – Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
JEA – Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
JNES – Journal of Near Eastern Studies
JSSEA – Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities
LA – Lexikon der Agyptologie
MDAIK – Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archaologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo
MDOG – Mitteilungen des Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft
MIFAO – Memoires de l’Institut Francais d’Archeologie Orientale
NARCE – Newsletter of the American Research Center in Egypt
OIP – Oriental Institute Publications
RdE – Revue d’Egyptologie
RT – Recueil de travaux relatifs ala philologie et a l’archeologie egyptiennes et assyriennes
SAK – Studien zur Altiigyptischen Kultur
VA – Varia Aegyptiaca
WA – World Archaeology
ZAS – Zeitschrijtfor Agyptische Sprache ind Altertumskunde
- CHUBB, M. (1954). Nefertiti lived here. New York, Crowell.
- CLARKE, S., & ENGELBACH, R. (1990). Ancient Egyptian construction and architecture. New York, Dover Publications.
- CROCKER, P. T. (1985). Status Symbols in the Architecture of El-‘Amarna. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 71, 52-65.
- BADAWY, A. (1956). Maru-Aten: Pleasure Resort or Temple? The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 42, 58-64.
- BORCHARDT, L., & RICKE, H. (1980). Die Wohnhäuser in Tell El-Amarna. Berlin, Mann.
- BORCHARDT, L., & MERCER, S. A. B. (1921). Excavations at Tell El-Amarna, Egypt, in 1913-1914. Smithsonian Report. 445-457.
- PRISSE D’AVENNES, A. C. T. E., RAVEN, M. J., & KAPER, O. E. (2000). Atlas of Egyptian art. Cairo, Zeitouna.
- DAVIES, N. D. G. (1921). Mural Paintings in the City of Akhetaten. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 7, 1-7.
- DAVIES, N. D. G. (1903). The rock tombs of El Amarna. The Rock Tombs of El Amarna, 6 Vols. London, Egypt Exploration Fund [etc.].
- DAVIES, N. D. G. (1929). The town house in Ancient Egypt. [New York], Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- FAIRMAN, H. W. (1935). Topographical Notes on the Central City, Tell El-‘Amarnah. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 21, 136-139.
- FRANKFORT, H. (1927). Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Tell el-‘Amarnah, 1926-7. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 13, 209-218.
- FRANKFORT, H. (1929). Preliminary Report on the Excavations at El-‘Amarnah, 1928-9. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 15, 143-149.
- F. LL. GRIFFITH. (1924). Excavations at el-‘Amarnah, 1923-24. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 10, 299-305.
- F. LL. GRIFFITH. (1931). Excavations at Tell el-‘Amarnah, 1923-4. A. Statuary. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 17, 179-184.
- FRANKFORT, H., & PENDLEBURY, J. D. S. (1933). The city of Akhenaten. Part II: The north suburb and the desert altars. The excavations at Tell-El Amarna during the seasons 1926-1932. (40th Memoir). London, Egypt Exploration Society.
- HAMZA, M., & KEMP, B. (2000). Report on a Large House at Amarna, Discovered near the Village of el-Hagg Qandil. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 86, 161-165.
- IKRAM, S. (1989). Domestic Shrines and the Cult of the Royal Family at el-‘Amarna. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 75, 89-101.
- KAMPP-SEYFRIED, F. (2012). In the Light of Amarna 100 years of the Nefertiti discovery : for the Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung Staatliche Museen zu Berlin : [exhibition, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, from December 7, 2012 – April 13, 2013]. Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung.
- KEMP, B. J., & GARFI, S. (1993). A survey of the ancient city of El-‘Amarna. London, Egypt Exploration Society.
- KEMP, B. J. (1978). Preliminary Report on the El-‘Amarna Survey, 1977. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 64, 22-34.
- KEMP, B. J. (1979). Preliminary Report on the el-‘Amarna Survey, 1978. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 65, 5-12.
- KEMP, B. J. (1980). Preliminary Report on the el-‘Amarna Expedition, 1979. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 66, 5-16.
- KEMP, B. J. (1981). Preliminary Report on the El-‘Amarna Expedition, 1980. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 67, 5-20.
- KEMP, B. J. (1983). Preliminary Report on the El-‘Amarna Expedition, 1981-2. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 69, 5-24.
- KEMP, B. J. (1987). The Amarna Workmen’s Village in Retrospect. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 73, 21-50.
- KEMP, B. J. (1976). The Window of Appearance at El-Amarna, and the Basic Structure of This City. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 62, 81-99.
- KEMP, B. J. (2013). The city of Akhenaten and Nefertiti: Amarna and its people. London, Thames & Hudson.
- KEMP, B. J. (1979). Wall Paintings from the Workmen’s Village at El-‘Amarna. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 65, 47-53.
- LISA MANNICHE. (2010). The Akhenaten Colossi of Karnak. American University in Cairo Press.
- NEWTON, F. G. (1924). Excavations at El-‘Amarnah, 1923-24. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 10, 289-298.
- PEET, T. E. (1921). Excavations at Tell el-Amarna: A Preliminary Report. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 7, 169-185.
- PEET, T. E., & WOOLEY, C. L. (1923). The City of Akhenaten. Part I: Excavations of 1921 and 1922 at El-‘Amarneh. (38th Memoir). London, Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund.
- PENDLEBURY, J. D. S. (1934). Excavations at Tell el Amarna: Preliminary Report for the Season 1933-4. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 20, 129-136.
- PENDLEBURY, J. D. S., & ČERNÝ, J. (1951). The city of Akhenaten. Part III: The excavations at Tell el-Amarna during the seasons 1926-1927 and 1931-1936, (44th Memoir). London, Egypt Exploration Society.
- PENDLEBURY, J. D. S. (1931). Preliminary Report of Excavations at Tell el-‘Amarnah 1930-1. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 17, 233-244.
- PENDLEBURY, J. D. S. (1932). Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-‘Amarnah, 1931-2. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 18, 143-149.
- PENDLEBURY, J. D. S. (1933). Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell El-‘Amarnah, 1932-1933. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 19, 113-118.
- PENDLEBURY, J. D. S. (1935). Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell El-‘Amarnah, 1934-1935. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 21, 129-135.
- PENDLEBURY, J. D. S. (1936). Summary Report on the Excavations at Tell El-‘Amarnah, 1935-1936. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 22, 194-198.
- PENDLEBURY, J. D. S. (1935). Tell el-Amarna. London, L. Dickson & Thompson Ltd.
- PERROT, G., CHIPIEZ, C., & ARMSTRONG, W. (1883). A history of art in ancient Egypt. London, Chapman and Hall, Limited.
- PETRIE, W. M. F. (1894). Tell el Amarna. London, Methuen & Co.
- LLOYD, S. (1933). Model of a Tell el-‘Amarnah House. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 19, 1-7.
- SCHIJNS, W., KAPER, O. E., & KILA, J. (2008). Vernacular mud brick architecture in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt and the design of the Dakhleh Oasis Training and Archaeological Conservation Centre. Oxford, Oxbow.
- SHAW, I. (1994). Balustrades, Stairs and Altars in the Cult of the Aten at el-Amarna. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 80, 109-127.
- SPENCE, K. (2004). The Three-Dimensional Form of the Amarna House. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 90, 123-152.
- SPENCER, A. J. (1979). Brick architecture in Ancient Egypt. Warminster, Aris and Phillips.
- TIETZE, C. (2008). Amarna: Lebensräume – Lebensbilder – Weltbilder. Potsdam, Arcus-Verlag.
- UPHILL, E. P. (1970). The Per Aten at Amarna. Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 29, 151-166.
- WEATHERHEAD, F. (1994). Wall-Paintings from the North Harim in the Great Palace at Amarna. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 80, 198-201.
- WEATHERHEAD, F. (1995). Wall-Paintings from the King’s House at Amarna. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 81, 95-113.
- WHITTEMORE, T. (1926). The Excavations at El-‘Amarnah, Season 1924-5. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 12, 3-12.
- WILLIAMS, C. R. (1930). Wall Decorations of the Main Temple of the Sun at El ʿAmarneh. Metropolitan Museum Studies. 2, 135-151.
- WILSON, P., JEFFREYS, D., KEMP, B., & ROSA, P. (2003). Fieldwork, 2002-03: Delta Survey, Memphis, Tell el-Amarna, Qasr Ibrim. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 89, 1-25.
- WOOLLEY, C. L. (1922). Excavations at Tell el-Amarna. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 8, 48-82.
- Breasted, J. H. Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents (Ancient Records, 2nd Series), 2: The Eighteenth Dynasty. 3: The Nineteenth Dynasty. Chicago, 1906.
- Breasted, J. H. A History of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest. Ed. 2. London, 1948.
- Cerny, J. Ancient Egyptian Religion. London, 1952.
- Drioton, É. and Vandier, J. L’Egypte (Clio: Lespeuples de VOrient méditerranéen, 2). Ed. 4. Paris, 1962, pp. 343—55, 367-9, 373-5, 384-6, 414-18, 446-7.
- Gardiner, A. H. Ancient Egyptian Onomastica. 3 vols. Oxford, 1947.
- Gardiner, A. H. Egypt of the Pharaohs. Oxford, 1961.
- Hayes, W. C. The Scepter of Egypt. Part 2. New York, 1959.
- Kees, H. Ancient Egypt, A Cultural Topography. Ed. T. G. H. James. London, 1961.
- Lacau, P. Stéles du Nouvel Empire (C.C.G. nos. 34001-189). Cairo, 1909-57.
- Petrie, W. M. F. A History of Egypt, 11. The XVIIth and XVIIIth Dynasties. Edi 7. London, 1924.
- Porter, B. and Moss, R. L. B. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings. 7 vols. Oxford, 1927-64.
- Sáve-Soderbergh, T. Agypten und Nubien. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte alt-agyptischer Aussenpolitik. Lund, 1941.
- Sethe, K. and Helck, H.-W. Urkunden der 18 Dynastie (Urk. IV). Hefte 1-22. Leipzig and Berlin, 1906-58.
- Smith, G. E. The Royal Mummies (C.C.G. nos. 61051-100). Cairo, 1912.
- Thomas, E. The Royal Necropoleis of Thebes. Princeton, 1966.
- Waddell, W. G. Manetho, with an English Translation (The Loeb Classical Library). London and Cambridge (Mass.), 1940.
- Aldred, C. ‘Year Twelve at El-‘Amarna.’ In J.E.A. 43 (1957), 30ff.
- Aldred, C. ‘Two Theban Notables during the Later Reign of Amenophis III.’ In J.N.E.S. 18 (1959), 113 ff.
- Aldred, C. ‘The Beginning of the El-Amarna Period.’ In J.E.A. 45 (1959), 19 ff.
- Aldred, C. Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt: A New Study, Chapters vi, vn and xi. London, 1968.
- BENTLEY, JULIETTE. (1980). Amenophis III and Akhenaten: Co-Regency Proved? The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 66, 164-165.
- Campbell, E. F. The Chronology of the Amarna Letters, Chapter 11. Baltimore, 1964.
- Drioton, É. and Vandier, J. L’Egypte (Clio: Les peuples de T Orient miditerranien, 2). Ed. 4. Paris, 1962. Pp. 384-6, 631, 658-61.
- Engelbach, R. ‘Material for a Revision of the History of the Heresy Period of the XVIIIth Dynasty.’ In Ann. Serv. 40 (1940), 134ff.
- Fairman, H. W. ‘A Block of Amenophis IV from Athribis.’ In J.E.A. 46 (1960), 80ff.
- Gardiner, A. H. ‘The So-called Tomb of Queen Tiye.’ In J.E.A. 43 (1957), 10ff.
- Hayes, W. C. ‘Inscriptions from the Palace of Amenophis III.’ In J.N.E.S. 10(1951).
- Helck, H.-W. ‘Die Sinai-Inschrift des Amenmose.’ In Mitt. Inst. Or. 2 (1954), 189ff.
- Hornung, E. Untersuchungen zur Chronologic und Geschichte des Neuen Reiches, Chapter x. Wiesbaden, 1964.
- Kitchen, K. A. ‘On the Chronology and History of the New Kingdom.’ In Chron. d’Ég. 40 (1965), 310ff.
- Kitchen, K. A. Review of E. F. Campbell, The Chronology of the Amarna Letters. In J.E.A. 53 (1967), 178ff.
- Kitchen, K. A. ‘Further Notes on New Kingdom Chronology and History. In Chron. d’Ég. 43 (1968), 313 ff.
- PENDLEBURY, J. D. S. (1935). Tell el-Amarna. London, L. Dickson & Thompson Ltd.
- PENDLEBURY, J. D. S. (1936). Summary Report on the Excavations at Tell El-‘Amarnah, 1935-1936. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 22, 194-198.
- PENDLEBURY, J. D. S. etal. (1951) The City of Akhenaten, Part III (E.E.S. 44th Memoir). 2 vols. London.
- Redford, D. B. History and Chronology of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt: Seven Studies, Chapter 5. Toronto, 1967.
- Smith, W. S. The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt. Harmondsworth, 1958.
- Wente, E. F. Review of D. B. Redford, History and Chronology of the Eighteenth Dynasty. In J.N.E.S. 28 (1969), 273 ff.
- Aldred, C. ‘The Beginning of the El-Amarna Period.’ In J.E.A. 45 (1959), 19ff.
- Aldred, C. Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt: A New Study. London, 1968.
- Bothmer, B. V. ‘A New Fragment of an Old Palette.’ In J.A.R.C.E. 8 (1969), 1-4.
- Breasted, J. H. A History of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest. Ed. 2. London, 1948.
- CottevieiUe-Giraudet, R. Rapport sur les fouilles de Médamoud, 1932. Les reliefs d’Amenophis IV Akhenaten (Flles. Caire, 13). Cairo, 1936.
- Davis, T. M., Maspero, G. et al. Tomb of louiya and Touiyou. London, 1907.
- Edgerton, W. F. ‘The Government and the Governed in the Egyptian Empire.’ In J.N.E.S. 6 (1947), 152ff.
- Fakhry, A. ‘A Note on the Tomb of Kheruef at Thebes.’ In Ann. Serv. 42 (1943), 447ff.
- Gardiner, A. H. The Wilbour Papyrus. 3 vols. Oxford, 1941—8. Vol. iv. Indices, by R. O. Faulkner. Oxford, 1952.
- Gardiner, A. H. ‘Ramesside Texts Relating to the Transport and Taxation of Corn.’ In J.E.A. 27 (1941), 19ff.
- Petrie, W. M. F. Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties. Part 11 (E.E.S. 21st Memoir). London, 1901.
- Stewart, H. M. ‘Some Pre-‘Amarneh Sun-Hymns.’ In J.E.A. 46 (1960), 83 ff.
- Wilson, J. A. The Burden of Egypt: An Interpretation of Ancient Egyptian Culture. Chicago, 1951.
- Aldred, C. ‘The Gayer Anderson Jubilee Relief of Amenophis IV.’ In J.E.A. 45 (1959), 104.
- ALDRED, C., & SANDISON, A. T. (1961). The Tomb of Akhenaten at Thebes [and Appendix]. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 47, 41-65.
- Aldred, C. and Sandison, A. T. ‘The Pharaoh Akhenaten: A Problem in Egyptology and Pathology.’ In Bull. Hist. Med. 36 (1962), 293 ff.
- Anthes, R. ‘Die Maat des Echnaton von Amarna.’ In J.A.O.S. 14 (Supplement) 1952, 1—36.
- Badawy, A. ‘Maru-Aten: Pleasure Resort or Temple.’ In J.E.A. 42 (1956), 58 ff.
- Bennett, J. ‘Notes on the “aten”.’ In J.E.A. 51 (1965), 207 ff.
- Bissing, F. W. von, et al. Das Re-Heiligtum des Konigs Ne-Woser-Re (Rathures). 3 vols. Berlin and Leipzig, 1905-28.
- Borchardt, L. ‘AusgrabungeninTellel-Amarna.’ In M.D.O.G. nos. 34, 46, 50, 52, 55 (1907-14).
- Bouriant, U. et al. Monuments pour servir à l’étude du culte d’Atonou en Ègypte. 1. Les tombes de Khouitatonou (Mém. Inst. fr. Caire, 8). Cairo, 1903.
- Bouriant, U. Deux jours de fouilles à Tell el-Amarna (Mém. Miss. Arch. Fr. 1, 1). Paris, 1884.
- Brunner, H. ‘Eine Neue Amarna-Prinzessin.’ In Z.A.S. 74 (1938), 104ff.
- Chevrier, H. ‘Rapport(s) sur les travaux de Kamak.’ In Ann. Serv. 26-39 (1926-9) and 46-53 (1947-55) passim.
- Davies, Norman de G. The Rock Tombs of El Amarna. 6 vols. London, 1903-8.
- Davies, Norman de G.f ‘Akhenaten at Thebes.’ In J.E.A. 9 (1923), 132ff.
- Davies, Norman de G. The Tomb of the Vizier Ramose (Mond Excavations at Thebes I). London, 1941.
- Doresse, M. ‘Les Temples Atoniens de la région thébaine.’ In Orientalia, 24 (1955). 113ff.
- Fairman, H. W. ‘Town Planning in Pharaonic Egypt.’ In Town Planning Review, 20 (1949), 32 ff.
- Fairman, H. W. ‘The supposed Year 21 of Akhenaten.’ In J.E.A. 46 (1960), 108 ff.
- Frankfort, H., Pendlebury, J. D. S., et al. The City of Akhenaten, Part II (E.E.S. 40th Memoir). London, 1933.
- Gardiner, A. H. ‘Four Papyri of the 18th Dynasty from Kahun.’ In Z.A.S. 43 (1906), 27 ff.
- Gauthier, H. Le Livre des rois d’Ègypte, 11 (Mém. Caire, 18). Cairo, 1912.
- Ghalioungui, P. ‘A Medical Study of Akhenaten.’ In Ann. Serv. 47 (1947), 29 ff.
- Griffith, F. LI. ‘The Jubilee of the Aten.’ In J.E.A. 5 (1918), 61 ff. Also ibid. 8 (1922), 199ff.
- Gunn, B. ‘Notes on the Aten and his Names.’ In J.E.A. 9 (1923), 168 ff.
- Habachi, L. ‘Varia from the Reign of King Akhenaten.’ In Mitt, deutsch. Inst. Kairo, 20 (1965), 7off.
- Hamza, M. ‘The Alabaster Canopic Box of Akhenaten, and the Royal Alabaster Canopic Boxes of the XVIIIth Dynasty.’ In Ann. Serv. 40 (1941), 537 ff.
- Harrison, R. G. ‘An Anatomical Examination of the Pharaonic Remains Purported to be Akhenaten.’ In J.E.A. 52 (1966), 95 ff.
- Kamal, M. ‘Fouillesdu Service des Antiquités à Tellel-Amarna.’ In Ann. Serv. 35 (1935), 193 ff. , and 39 (1939), 381 ff.
- Lange, K. Konig Echnaton und die Amarna-Zeit. Munich, 1951.
- Legrain, G. ‘Notes d’Inspection: 1. Les stèles d’Amènothès IV à Zernik et à Gebel Silsileh.’ In Ann. Serv. 3 (1902), 259ff.
- Monnet, J. ‘Remarques sur la famille et les successeurs de Ramsès III.’ In Bull. Caire, 63 (1965), 209 ff.
- Peet, T. E., Woolley, C. L., et al. The City of Akhenaten. Part I (E.E.S. 38th Memoir). London, 1923.
- Pendlebury, J. D. S. ‘Report on the clearance of the Royal Tomb at El-‘Amáma.’ In Ann. Serv. 21 (1931), 123-5.
- Pendlebury, J. D. S. ‘Preliminary Report[s] of Excavations at Tell el-‘Amarnah 1930-33’ In J.E.A. 17 (1931), 233ff.; 18 (1932), 143ff.; 19 (1933), 113 ff.
- Petrie, W. M. F. Tell el-Amarna. London, 1894.
- Reymond, E. A. E. The Mythical Origin of the Egyptian Temple. Manchester, 1969.
- Roeder, G. Ein Jahrzehnt deutscher Ausgrabungen in einer àgyptischen Stadtruine. Hildesheiró, 1951.
- Schafer, H. ‘Altes und Neues zur Kunst und Religion von Tell el-Amarna.’ In Z.A.S. 55 (1918), 1 ff.
- Schafer, H. ‘Das Wesen der “Amamakunst”.* In Mitt, deutsch. Orient. Gesellft. 64 (1926), 54-61.
- Sethe, K. Beitrage zur Gesckichte Amenophìs IV. (Nachrichten der konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, Phil.-hist. Klasse, 1921). Berlin, 1921.
- Smith, R. W. ‘The Akhenaten Temple Project.’ In Expedition (Bull. Univ. Mus. Penna.), 10, No. 1 (1967), 24-32.
- Uphill, E. ‘The Sed-Festivals of Akhenaten.’ In J.N.E.S. 22 (1963), 123 ff.
- Aldred, C. ‘The Harold Jones Collection.’ In J.E.A. 48 (1962), 160—2.
- Bennett, J. ‘The Restoration Inscription of Tut‘ankhamun.’ In J.E.A. 25 (1939), 8ff.
- Blackman, A. M. ‘The Haggard Collection.’ In J.E.A. 4 (1917), 43ff.
- Bosse-Griffiths, K. ‘Finds from “the Tomb of Queen Tiye” in the Swansea Museum.’ In J.E.A. 47 (1961), 66 ff.
- Carter, H., et al. The Tomb of Tut.Ankh.Amen. 3 vols. London, 1923—33.
- Cerny, J. Hieratic Inscriptions from the Tomb of Tut’ankhamun. Oxford, 1965.
- Cemy, J. ‘Three Regnal Dates of the Eighteenth Dynasty.’ In J.E.A. 50 (1964), 37ff.
- Daressy, G. ‘Le Cercueil de Khu-n-Aten.’ In Bull. Caire, 12 (1916), 145 ff.
- Davies, Nina de G. and Gardiner, A. H. The Tomb of Huy, Viceroy of Nubia in the Reign of Tutankhamun. London, 1926.
- Davies, Norman de G. The Tomb of Nefer-Hotep at Thebes. 2 vols. New York, 1933.
- Davis, T. M., Maspero, G., et al. The Tomb of Queen Tiyi. London, 1910.
- Derry, D. ‘Note on the Skeleton hitherto believed to be that of King Akhenaten.’ In Ann. Serv. 31 (1931), 115ff.
- Desroches-Noblecourt, C. ‘La Cueillette du Raisin à la Fin de l’Époque amamienne.’ In J.E.A. 54 (1968), 82ff.
- Drioton, É., and Vigneau, A. Encyclopèdie Photographique de VArt: Le Musee du Caire. Editions ‘Tel’. Paris, 1949.
- Edwards, I. E. S. ‘The Prudhoe Lions.’ In Ann. Arch. Anthr. 26 (1939), 3 ff.
- Engelbach, R. ‘The So-called Coffin of Akhenaten.’ In Ann. Serv. 31 (1931), 98 ff.
- FAIRMAN, H. W. (1961). Once Again the So-Called Coffin of Akhenaten. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 47, 25-40.
- Gardiner, A. H. ‘The Graffito in the Tomb of Pere.’ In J.E.A. 14 (1928), 10-11.
- Gardiner, A. H. ‘Regnal Years and the Civil Calendar in Pharaonic Egypt.’ In J.E.A. 31 (1945), 11ff.
- Gardiner, A. H. ‘The So-called Tomb of Queen Tiye.’ In J.E.A. 43 (1957), 10ff.
- Hall, H. R. ‘Objects of Tut‘ankhamun in the British Museum.’ In J.E.A. 14 (1928), 74ff.
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