Well I’m just about finished my University work for this academic year so I have decided to pick up on the Amarna3D version 2 model for my summer project.
I will be posting a few images of the work in progress but thought I would post a few images to show what I’m up to. I’m planning on going into as much detail as the software will allow. I will be taking each of the main Amarna sites and working on them individually and then combining them into one very big model. There will be some technical problems with this size but I have a few tricks up my sleeve which could help. Some people have wondered if I would be developing this for use in a game engine but that may be something way off in the future. If anyone is prepared to back me then maybe. But for now I am aiming for high resolution pre rendered work. I will be rendering some short animations once each site is constructed.

Great Aten Temple – Amarna – www.amarna3d.com – P.S. Docherty

Great Aten Temple – Amarna – www.amarna3d.com – P.S. Docherty

Great Aten Temple – Amarna – www.amarna3d.com – P.S. Docherty

Great Aten Temple – Amarna – www.amarna3d.com – P.S. Docherty
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